The partnership between the World Customs Organization and the academic world
is a very important one
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In his paper, ‘Weaknesses in the supply chain' David Hesketh discussed customs problems that arise from visibility lacking in supply chains of what is being carried inside cargo containers.
- ArticlesThis article considers the threats to security in international trade by considering possible scenarios.
- ArticlesPrevention of corruption in public institutions has become more important as a key component of a successful strategy to combat corruption.
- ArticlesIn a world where interconnectedness and integration are key dynamics influencing growth and development, policymakers realise the need for transborder regulatory reform to remove unnecessary barriers and burdens on trade.
- ArticlesWhile the rationale for trade facilitation, at least to the practitioner, is self-evident, building the case for trade facilitation is seldom straightforward.
Current empirical studies on countries’ logistics performance do not fully reflect the main
logistical principles of flow, system and total-costs theory
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This paper examines customs performance measures and various indicators in light of
the drawbacks to and limitations of the system of performance measurement
adopted by the Russian Federal Customs Service.
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This paper examines the extent to which commodity classification errors may contribute to customs revenue shortfalls.
- ArticlesThis article provides real world ‘practitioner’ examples and case studies on IBM’s multi-tiered approach to driving results in the critical areas of trade facilitation and supply chain security.
- ArticlesThis paper provides an overview of the current status of the Customs Union (CU), an integrated customs area which forms part of the Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC).
- Special Reports, Reviews and CommentariesWCO initiatives to equip Customs with whole-of-career development strategies and practices